Increase your efficiency
RMP for consultants: We will take your consulting to the next level
As a consultant, you often work with companies and clients where rapid action is urgently needed. However, what often happens is what shouldn’t happen: The client and the consultant are not a good ‘match’. They don't trust each other and are unable to find either rapid or good solutions. Have you experienced that, too? The Reiss Motivation Profile eliminates this problem for you.
You will be able to:
- Understand yourself better.
- Discover the intrinsic motivations behind your actions.
- Take autonomous decisions.
- Express your individuality.
- Appreciate what makes you different.
- Uncover your hidden potential.
Your clients will be able to:
- Get to know their clients quicker.
- Reach their clients quicker.
- Stop flailing around in the dark.
- See their clients in a different light.
- Achieve results faster.
- Make their clients more successful.
RMP for trainers
We bring trainers and participants together
As a trainer, you meet new people almost every day. It is your job to help these people learn something new, surpass themselves and give their life new purpose. What would it be like if you could achieve this quicker? If, by getting to know your participants better, quickly and easily, you could ensure that you work really well together, as if by magic?
RMP can do what is often so hard and time-consuming: Finding the right fit
Using the Reiss Motivation Profile, you will learn how to not only express your individuality, but also use it. It will show you what makes you and your participants tick, and that's what enables you to achieve your goal quicker. Ultimately, your training participants want one thing: successful training.
It will help you to:
- Understand yourself better.
- Discover what is important to you.
- Make autonomous decisions.
- Express your individuality
- Appreciate what makes you different.
- Uncover your hidden potential.
It will help your participants to:
- Get to know you quicker.
- Learn how to communicate with you.
- Stop flailing around in the dark.
- Understand you better.
- Reach their goal quicker, with your help.
- Be more successful, with your help.
RMP for coaches: We provide an insight into the world of people
As a coach, you want to deploy your resources where they are needed, preferably quickly. However, sometimes things don’t go smoothly from the start and it’s difficult to get the ball rolling between the coach and the client. Using the Reiss Motivation Profile, you first get to know yourself, and your clients, better, and find out how to fit together and work successfully.
It’s a tool that helps both the coach and coachee to not only express individuality but also use it. Find out what makes others tick in order to reach your goal faster, together. Ultimately, your clients want to further their personal development and acquire new skills, motivations and prospects, ideally simply, quickly, intuitively and while having fun.
You will be able to:
- Understand yourself better.
- Discover the motivations behind your actions and achievements.
- Take autonomous decisions.
- Express your individuality.
- Appreciate what makes you different.
- Uncover your hidden potential
Your clients will be able to:
- Get to know their clients quicker.
- Reach their clients quicker.
- Stop flailing around in the dark.
- See their clients in a different light.
- Achieve results faster.
- Make their clients more successful.
RMP for relationships
Understand yourself better
Have you been arguing with your daughter again? Do you not understand why your son isn't doing well at school? Do you keep having situations with your partner that you just don't understand? At times like this, we can feel that we don't ‘fit’ with people; we simple don't understand why the person is acting the way they are. We are sure that we know the people we are closest to. And yet, we keep having arguments that make it difficult to get on.
Discover what makes others tick
The tool will help you to really get to know yourself and your loved ones. Why do they act the way they do and why is this behaviour so incomprehensible to you? Once you realise where your and their actions are stemming from, you can react to each other in a way that the other person can respond to positively.
Isn't it time that you
- Understand why you are the way you are?
- Discover the motivations behind your actions and achievements?
- Make autonomous decisions?
- Express your individuality?
- Appreciate what makes you different?
- Finally uncover your hidden potential?
Wouldn't you like to:
- Really know the people who are important to you?
- Learn how to communicate respectfully with them?
- Stop flailing around in the dark?
- Really understand your loved ones?